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Results for: 'hemoglobin dissociation curve'

Oxygen - hemoglobin dissociation curve & Hemoglobin's affinity with oxygen - acidity

By: HWC, Views: 7282

• The partial pressure of oxygen is a primary factor influencing the degree of saturation of hemoglobin. • The Po2 determines the number of oxygen molecules that can bind or dissociate from hemoglobin. • Blood in vessels coming from the lungs is very high in Po2 so saturation is high. ...

Oxygen transport: association and dissociation & Factors that affect hemoglobin's saturation with O2

By: HWC, Views: 6594

• The production of oxyhemoglobin can be illustrated through the following reaction: 02 + Hb-H --) Hb-02 + H+ • This equation represents the binding of oxygen to the iron ions in heme groups in hemoglobin molecules. • Oxygen binding or loading occurs at the lungs • The dissociatio...

Hemoglobin's affinity with oxygen - carbon dioxide, temperature and bisphosphoglycerate (BPG)

By: HWC, Views: 6777

• The carbon dioxide gas is temporarily converted to carbonic acid in red blood cells by the enzyme carbonic anhydrase, and then further converted to hydrogen and bicarbonate ions. • The result of increased carbon dioxide is decreased pH causing the Bohr effect. • Elevated carbon dioxid...

Virtual Enzyme Kinetics & Lineweaver Burk Plot

By: HWC, Views: 6208

• The double-reciprocal (also known as the Lineweaver-Burk) plot is created by plotting the inverse initial velocity (1/V0) as a function of the inverse of the substrate concentration (1/[S]). • This plot is a useful way to determined different inhibitors such as competitive, uncompetitive...

How Hemoglobin Picks Up and Delivers Oxygen

By: HWC, Views: 5917

All of the cells in our bodies require oxygen (02) for survival and must release carbon dioxide (CO2) as a waste product. The respiratory and circulatory systems work together as delivery systems for these gases. The lungs exchange these gases between the environment and the bloodstream. The bloo...

Oxygen transport - methods and oxyhemoglobin

By: HWC, Views: 6414

• The blood is the medium used for gas transport throughout the body. • Oxygen is only available in the lungs. Because the partial pressure of oxygen is higher in the alveoli than in the blood, oxygen diffuses into the blood and is transported to systemic cells. • At the tissues the par...

Introduction to Sickle Cell Anemia

By: Administrator, Views: 10082

Sickle cell anemia (sickle cell disease) is a disorder of the blood caused by an inherited abnormal hemoglobin (the oxygen-carrying protein within the red blood cells). The abnormal hemoglobin causes distorted (sickled appearing under a microscope) red blood cells.

Electromagnetic Spectrum, Chlorophyll and Pigment & Light

By: HWC, Views: 6360

The sun gives off radiation that is called the electromagnetic spectrum. This is energy that travels as wavelengths and includes radio waves, X-rays and ultraviolet light. A portion of this radiation is known as visible light, and is the type of radiation that plants use to manufacture sugars. ...

Dissociative Disorders (Part 1)

By: Administrator, Views: 9615

Dissociative disorders (DD) are conditions that involve disruptions or breakdowns of memory, awareness, identity, or perception. People with dissociative disorders use dissociation as a defense mechanism, pathologically and involuntarily. Some dissociative disorders are triggered by psychological...
